
अज्ञानप्रभवं सर्वं ज्ञानेन प्रविलीयते।

संकल्पो विविधः कर्ता विचारः सोऽयमीदृशः।। is your escort toward personal and mental well-being. Destiny is pre-destined but with our innovative and astrological approach, you can minimize the troubles and enhance your prospects.

So, what are we? We are your medium that connects the cosmic bodies with you. We help you understand the relationship between you and planets and offer various astrological services. Our astrological services are personalized and we are known to work at flexible hours. Our innovative approach and personal attention to all your queries give you salvation from problems.

We are a team of astrologers under the guidance of eminent and prestigious astrologer Shri Shri Anil Bhargava Ji. Our task is simple- to grant you satisfaction. We aim to relieve your current problems and magnify your growth and success. Our astrological services are for all your personal and mental problems. We are an expert on career guidance, marriage consultancy, match making, love problems, investment issues, property complications, business troubles, health complications and other problems you may have. We are an expert in ancient Indian architectural science of Vastu Shastra and our numerology expertise also helps you to bask in the glory of success.

Our vast astrological services and deep knowledge of occult science and ancient Vedic astrology always helps you in the hour of your need. You can relate our research based advice and simple astrological remedies with your daily life. What more? We offer easy-to-follow advices, and our proven track record has given our clients maximum satisfaction.

  • We may be a tiny drop in the ocean of astrologers. But this tiny drop can make significant difference in your life.
  • Your future depends upon how you shape it today,
  • And we help making your tomorrow better!


Meet Our Enlightened Guide


Shri Shri Anil Bhargava Ji is a renowned astrologer from a sacred lineage tracing back to Maharishi Bhrigu, a revered sage. His ancestors have been guiding people through astrology for generations. Anil Bhargava Ji's quest for knowledge and truth led him to explore various places like Pushkar, Haridwar, and Gujarat to deepen his understanding of astrology, Vastu Shashtra, palmistry, and related subjects. Alongside formal education, he delved into the study of Vedas, Scriptures, and other sciences, gradually unravelling these disciplines' mystical and sacred aspects.

With profound insights surpassing ordinary comprehension, Anil Bhargava Ji comprehends the intricate connections between celestial bodies, their positions, and their impact on humanity. He acknowledges the profound wisdom embedded in ancient Vedic knowledge and rituals. The fascinating principles of Vastu Shashtra, exploring the reasons and methods behind its practices, leave an indelible impression on him. He has witnessed the remarkable transformations that even minor adjustments can bring about.


Unveiling The Uniqueness: Why Are We Different?


In the vast astrology region, where many claim to hold the keys to celestial wisdom, it becomes essential to differentiate the extraordinary from the ordinary. Our astrological services are a pillar of authenticity, wisdom, and empowerment. With unparalleled expertise, a holistic approach, personalized insights, empowering wisdom, and a thriving community, we offer a vast and unrivaled experience to those seeking enlightenment and guidance.

 We are unique because we aim to solve your problems easily. We have decades of experience and know all the astrological techniques that help you get the desired solution.

Embrace the unique tapestry of cosmic knowledge we have meticulously woven and embark on a transformative journey toward self-discovery, self-actualization, and spiritual growth. Join us in celebrating the extraordinary wonders of the universe and the profound impact they can have on our lives. Together, let us navigate the celestial maze and unlock the boundless potential within each of us.


The Sacred Bond of Anonymity


As a custodian of trust, we take confidentiality seriously. Our astrologers are fully committed to preserving the sanctity of your personal information and the privacy of your journey. Rest assured, we do not require or request any personally identifiable information beyond what is necessary to generate accurate astrological readings. We believe that the sacred bond of anonymity allows for a safe and trusting space where you can freely explore the depths of your cosmic path.

Contact BestJyotish for consultation, true predictions and remedies
  • +91 9911251511
  • Surat, Gujarat
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